Saturday, July 10, 2010

emo has never been more emo than "the twilight saga: eclipse"

so this past week my fiancee and i went and saw "twilight saga: eclipse" at our local theater. for those of you who like it, i'm sure you've formed your own opinions. for those of you who don't like it, i'm sure you, too, have formed your own opinions. for those of you who don't know what i'm talking about...what hole have you been under for the past five years? "the twilight saga" is a series of book by the now world famous stephenie (yes, with an "e") meyer. it takes place in the seattle, washington area and centers on the most emo girl in the entire world. her name is bella and she is best described clinically as an "emo-girl." in the movie she is played by kristen stewart, one of my least favorite actors out there right now, which is a shame because i do kinda want to see her movie where she plays joan jett. she give the same character she plays in every movie, a constantly stoned teen with a attitude problem and a seriously creepy lack of facial expressions. i'm not sure there is anyone out there right now who annoys me more than she does...i just want to see a little emotion from her. ironic right? the most "emo" movie i've ever seen, with the lead character cast as the least emotional person in the world! an interesting dichotomy to say the least. the movie was at times cringe-worthy, and at other times somewhat entertaining. don't get me wrong...i actually liked the books...quite alot. the movies however, i could take or leave. i'll still see the last movie (or two is the rumors are to be believed) because i am somewhat anal and have to finish what i started...crappy movies and all. again, i'm sure all of your opinions have been made...all i want to portray is this...if you want to see the most emo movie of all times...then look no further than that newest twilight saga movie!

the good

the bad

the emo

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